Despite what the header to this blog may imply, I am not an empty shell of a woman, crushed by the wicked fates into a tiny ball of hopelessness (swoon). In fact, though I am single, unemployed, and generally without any idea as to what is next, I'm pretty much ok. Perhaps I should explain?
About two and a half years ago, my five year relationship ended... badly... as they do. I was almost done with law school and I decided that it was time to move somewhere completely different. Being born, raised, and educated all over the south, naturally, I chose Boston. The following fall I got a job at a swanky giant firm, settled in, made a bunch of friends, and proceeded to ride out the first waves of the collapsing economy in style. After all, I was safe! I had good reviews, billed out plenty of hours, and was very good about not making waves.
I'm an idiot (I know, you're shocked).
No one is safe. Just over a year after I started work, the firm held yet another layoff and this time, it was my turn. Mind you, this is November 2009... right before things started to improve again. Literally a month later the firm was so understaffed that the remaining associates started quitting, but I digress. In my new-found downtime, after an appropriate wallowing period, I started picking back up some of my old hobbies that had fallen victim to the billable hour. I took a few cooking classes to force myself out of my rut, practically moved into my yoga studio, and started reading again.
One day, the subscription to
Southern Living ordered for me as a Christmas present from AuntieM showed up in my mailbox and I have bordered on obsession ever since. I just cannot help it. I love throwing dinner parties, and now I'm finally good at piecing together a real, coherent menu. I love reading about places I've lived or visited (like a multi-article feature on Nashville they did right before the flood) or getting ideas about possible day trips. And, ok, I do not have a garden, but I
want one, eventually, and someone is going to have to tell me what to put in it as I have no idea.
Did I mention the recipes? Oh yes. Every issue has a new cocktail begging to be drunk on a porch or by the pool and at least a half-dozen recipes that I actually cut out and cook some variation of before the next issue arrives. So, yes, as a 27 year old lawyer with no accent, I am now trying my absolute best to epitomize the
Southern Living image, or at least my (quite probably skewed) interpretation of it. As I do this, I'm creating my own recipes and compiling themed dinner party menus that will, in all likelihood, end up on this blog; along with whatever other stories or nifty tricks I happen to come across.
Obviously I do more than cook and drink, though clearly those are very important parts of my life, but the important thing is, I'm having
fun. Yes, I need a new job and will keep looking for one and yes, there have been more ideal periods of my life, but that's fine. All of my diversions have really proven entertaining and sometimes, that's just what you need.