Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Sometimes I steal...

Clearly, I don't conjure up everything I cook from the aether. No, sometimes I scan other blogs and make exactly what I see there... minus the measurements... and usually plus more garlic. I think that this is a perfectly reasonable approach to life.

Recently I have had two that have gone over so well that I'm going to post them here for you. What can I say, I was a blob of uselessness for the holidays and haven't cooked nearly enough lately. Soon, I promise!

First we have a spinach soup by Pioneer Woman. I pureed the whole thing, mostly to demolish the onions in an effort to sneak them past my roommate should she want to try some (she came home too late, oh well, more for me!) and completely failed to measure anything, as per usual, but I followed the gist pretty well. It  was one of those soups that satisfies you to the core: warm, thick, does not strictly require tooth involvement and has enough spinach that you can pretend it's healthy. Perfect. You can find it here.

Option 2 for today is the other end of the spectrum: chocolate chip cookies. I actually made the dough for these when I was making cookies for my christmas cookie decorating party and just threw it in the freezer. Last night I had a dinner party to attend and nothing to bring, so I made a baker's dozen (yes, there is still cookie dough in my house)and took them over. They were still warm when I got there and quickly demolished amidst a chorus of "mmmmmmmm"s. In the interest of full disclosure, I did not love the taste of the dough when I first mixed it up: too molasses-y, but after a few days in the freezer, it was much improved and obviously the finished product went over well, thus the recommendation. Oh, you want the link? Here you go.

So yes, that's all I've got for you today, but I promise to have something more original next time!

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